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Most cited papers of GS and JGS journals

作者: 访问量:404发布时间:2021-02-09

Authorized by Editor office of Grey Systems: Theory and Applications (GS) and Journal of Grey System (JGS), 2015-2020 Most cited papers of these two journals have been selected and listed as follows:

GS-Most Cited Papers-2015-2016.pdf

GS-Most Cited Papers-2017-2018.pdf

GS-Most Cited Papers-2019-2020.pdf

JGS-Most Cited papers-2015-2016.pdf

JGS-Most Cited papers-2017-2018.pdf

JGS-Most Cited papers-2019-2020.pdf

版权所有 © 2018南京航空航天大学灰色系统研究所

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