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作者: 访问量:2280发布时间:2018-12-05


Call for papers of 2019 GSUA


August8-11, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

http://www.iagsua.org or http://igss.nuaa.edu.cn





The 2019 International Congress of GSUA focuses on current research on grey system theory, system sciences and engineering, rapidly advancing technologies in uncertainty analysis, complex equipment development, emergency and innovation management. The congressinvites researchers to present current research findings and practical experiences from the wide community which is now involved in Grey Systems Theory and Applications, Uncertain Systems, Systems Analysis, Modeling and Simulation, Data Mining, Forecasting and Decision-making, ComplexEquipment Development Management, Emergency Management, Technical Innovation and Emerging Industry Development, etc.. The selected papers will be published by The Journal of Grey System(SCI) and Grey Systems Theory and Application(ESCI).


Topics include, but are not limited to:

·   System Analysis

·   Data Mining and Processing

·   Grey Systems Modeling and Simulation

·   Grey Forecasting and Decision Making

·   Grey Control

·   Grey System Theory and Applications

·   Grey Numbers and its Operations

·   Grey Equation and Grey Matrix

·   Sequence Operator and Grey Data Mining

·   Grey Incidence Analysis Model

·   Grey Clustering Evaluation Model

·   Grey Programming

·   Grey Input-output

·   Grey Matrix Game Model

·   Uncertain Systems

·   Practical Applications of Grey Methods

·   Artificial Intelligence

·   Industrial Engineering

·   Complex Equipment Development Management

·   Quality and reliability management

·   Cost management

·   Risk management

·   project schedule management

·   Supplier management

·   Marketing strategy

·   Business Process Management and Re-Engineering

·   Emergency Management

·   Technical Innovation and Emerging Industry Development

·   Other Relevant Topics


Important Dates:

Feb. 10, 2019: Deadline for submission of proposal for special sessions.

Mar. 10, 2019: Deadline for submission of full papers.

Apr.10, 2019Acceptance/Rejection notification.

May.10, 2019: Registration.


Please send your contribution to: greytheory@nuaa.edu.cn

For detailed information, please visit the congress website as follows:

http://www.iagsua.orgor http://igss.nuaa.edu.cn


说明:C:\Users\sliu04\Downloads\GSUA LOGO.pngNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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